
Sept 5


LIVE MUSIC | Robb McCormick

ALLLL night happy hour, live local music, how much better can it get?! Come hang out with us on September 3, at 7pm for what is bound to be a great night with Robb McCormick - $10 cover.

Some Guy Named Robb (AKA singer songwriter Robb McCormick) is a native to Arkansas and Colorado. He has headlined festivals and opened up for acts as diverse as John Fogarty (Creedence Clearwater Revival) to Sister Hazel, Kansas, and the Bellamy Brothers. As well as sharing the stage and bill with Noel Paul Stookey (Peter, Paul, & Mary), Steve Poltz (Jewel) & Glen Phillips (Toad the Wet Sprocket) among others.

Growing up he was inspired by lyrically and musically rich songwriters like Paul Simon, John Denver, and Neil Diamond. In his teenage years he found alternative rock music through bands like The Cure, Depeche Mode, and The Replacements. His music is an amalgamation of all these influences, as well as Reggae, Punk, Soul, and Blues.
His love for music is matched only by his high regard for lyricism.


Want to be a part of the Sterling Market crew? We would love to hear from you! 
